We are so grateful to our wonderful sponsors who are dedicated to encouraging Public Interest work by young lawyers that enriches our diverse communities and personal lives.
Funding for SPIN Fellowship Grants comes entirely from donor support. Please contact our Faculty Advisor to give today.
You can also donate your LexisNexis Points to SPIN! The points turn in to money, which SPIN uses to fund grants and host events.
If you would like to donate any of your own points to SPIN, follow these steps:
1. Sign onto www.lexisnexis.com/lawschool then go to https://lawschool.lexisnexisrewards.com/
2. From the Rewards page, scroll down and click “DONATE NOW” button. In the Rewards Search box, search for: SPIN
3. You will see the Syracuse Public Interest Network then appear as a choice. Click on SPIN.
4. You can donate your accumulated points in increments of 271. Simply list how many “271” points you will donate, add to cart.
5. Proceed through the same steps as a purchase, but at the end it will donate the points.
Questions? Please contact our LexisNexis Rep Celine Murphy by e-mail at Celine.Murphy@lexisnexis.com